But here they are, the swatches from the mineralized eyeshadow trio's from the upcoming Mac holiday collection, Red She said.
Although they are pretty, I'm not too impressed with their pigmentation, they are not easy to apply and remind me a lot of the mineralized eyeshadow duo's from last years Antiquitease collection.
The swatches were also very difficult to capture in a picture, but the pics you see here are true to their colors.
I will post pics of the swatches from the beauty powder blushes and the lipsticks soon!
hi! i love how you provide all this info. about new MAC products no one else has laid eyes on! i was wondering if you had any inside news whether the MAC & Hello Kitty collection is really gonna happen in '09 or not?
Hey Daisy,
Thanks tons for publishing these gorgeous products in the below collections!! Yea .....
You are such a doll for giving us this peeks into the wonders of what's upcoming for MAC. I've posted some of your pics on my site and have referenced you here for looks into more info and upcoming news! You're simply terrific!
awesome swatches and product pictures! i always come to your site first to get a glimpse of upcoming collections.. =)
do you know any information about the pigment set that is being released with this collection? which ones are going to be included?
Hi, aww that sucks about thier pigmentation but interview looks pretty :)
Awesome swatches!! Thanks! Can't wait for the blushes :]
Hey there's a big pop-up message on the screen and it's impossible to make it go! do you know how can I do, otherwise, I assume I won't be able to finish reading the post.
Beautiful shades!
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